Tuesday, July 27, 2010

AT&T claims it will be 'the premier carrier' for Windows Phone 7

Without question, AT&T's wireless growth these past few years has been largely based on iPhone -- and with apparently good reason, if you look at the numbers. As far as other platforms go, however, it's not been as rosy. Android's relation with the carrier, for example, is a story woven with years of hesitation, some questionable releases, and a rival that's fully embraced it to notable success (releases like the Captivate and Streak suggest a stronger future). So with all that in mind, what we're hearing from AT&T in the wake of Windows Phone 7 is decidedly more committal. Here's what a spokesperson told PC World this week: "We'll be the premier carrier for Windows Phone 7" (emphasis ours). Strong words, but we still haven't heard concrete plans from anyone, including Microsoft, on what's going on with the release. Whispers care of our friend Michael Gartenberg suggest AT&T has "signed up for 8 million" phones and our own eyes have espied some launch materials, but we'll just have to see. Your move, Ma Bell. Assuage our doubts, k?

P.S. It's also worth noting that, after the Kin debacle, Microsoft and Verizon aren't exactly BFF, meaning rival AT&T's "premier" claim isn't likely to be contested by the one carrier with more subscribers.


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